PeopleWith, your health research companion. Join our global community and help further health research.Self-monitor your health, through the understanding of symptoms, medications and other health related factors.PeopleWith is a subscription FREE, advert FREE, in-app purchase FREE App.Join in health research and take part in studies presented to you from your healthcare professionals, download the PeopleWith Research App and register for studies today. Access study information, help and support when you need it. Track your study participation and engagement through reports and weekly updates.At PeopleWith you are at the centre of everything we do and we care deeply about your personal information. Any personal Information is securely stored & will not be sold or distributed to any third parties. Within the app, you will be asked for consent from time to time to participate in research. For more information refer to the Terms and Conditions of use within the PeopleWith Research App or see study information for specific requirements.Medical disclaimer: PeopleWith does not replace the need to consult a healthcare professional in the event of a medical emergency. Before making any medical decisions, always seek health advice directly from your doctor or healthcare professional.Find out more: